Annual Awards Evening: Results 2023-24

Following the AGM on 13 June, the winners of the Monthly Aggregate Competitions were announced by Internal Competitions Secretary Emmanuel. This season saw a changed format, with Print and PDI results being combined. An author’s top 10 scores from the 4 Print and 12 PDI competitions were totalled, for a maximum of 200 points. In addition, we inaugurated the ‘EHHPS Photographer of the Year’ award, based on a weighted total of all externally judged competitions.

Results - Monthly Aggregate Competitions

Print Open


First : Annie Hackett (196 pts)
Second: Jenny Fenton (193 pts)
Third: John Alexander(188 pts)

Print Set Subject

Set Subject

First: Paul Mason (198 pts)
Second: Emmanuel (192 pts)
Third: Kristin Mason (188 pts)

Print Portrait


First : Paul Mason (196 pts)
Second: Mike Lloyd (194 pts)
Third: Kristin Mason (190 pts)

Results - EHHPS Photographer of the Year

First : Paul Mason
Second: Annie Hackett
Third: Emmanuel

The basis for calculating the outcome of this award, based on a weighted total of all externally judged competitions over the year, can be seen here