8:00 PM20:00

TALK: Cliff Hide "Street Legal"

A warm welcome back to Cliff Hide whose stories behind his press photography makes for an informative and entertaining evening. Tonight, in response to member requests, he will focus on the legal aspects of photography including your rights as a street photographer, copyright and including the ever complex world of AI.


Cliff Hide has been a press photographer since 2010 after a career change away from the financial and PR worlds of the City. He is currently Business Picture Editor at The Times newspaper and has worked on the picture desks of papers such as The Mirror, Metro, Sunday Times and the (short-lived) New Day.

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8:00 PM20:00

PRACTICAL : Theme tbc

If you have a particular theme or setup that you would like us to facilitate, do let us know. This might be macro, focus-stacking, ICM, portraiture…..?

By default, we will have a range of items for tabletop photography thinking ahead to some of the set subjects we will have throughout the year.

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8:00 PM20:00


Welcome to a new season at EHHPS!

If you fancy joining us, do feel free to come along for a taster evening. We hold regular competitions throughout the year with, each time, an open category, a set subject category and a portrait category.

This week’s Set subject: Mauve

Judge: Mark Buckley-Sharp

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1:00 PM13:00


As the summer edges towards the new season at EHHPS with the first meeting (Projected competition on 5th September), please join members and friends at our traditional barbecue.

Amanda and Paul have very kindly offered to host so please let Amanda know (or Kristin) if you intend to come.

Cost: £15 each. If you are able to, please bring a salad dish or pudding to share.

And, of course, please bring whatever you would like to drink.

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10:30 AM10:30

SUMMER EVENT : Visit the V & A "Fragile Beauty"

Hosted by Nilou Darvish and Annie Hackett

Make your own way there and meet in the V & A café at 10.30 and do please let Nilou or Annie know your intention to attend.

Fragile Beauty

An unparalleled selection of the world's leading photographers, telling the story of modern and contemporary photography. Discover iconic images across subjects such as fashion, celebrity, reportage and the male body. 

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8:00 PM20:00

SUMMER EVENT : Wine Tasting

Martin Creedy hosts another of his legendary wine tastings. Each year he looks to a new country or region and, this year, he’s thinking of Eastern Europe. He should have rich pickings throughout The Lebanon, Armenia, Georgia (if that’s possible) and, let’s not forget, Hungry, Bulgaria etc.

The second half of the evening is a feast of cheese and - if we are lucky - some of Martin’s delicious sourdough bread.

Booking is essential through Martin.

Cost is now confirmed as £30

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11:30 AM11:30

PHOTO WALK : Colour Walk - Old Spitalfields

We are invited to join our friends from Northfields Camera Club for a jaunt to the Colour Walk which is held every third Thursday of the month at Old Spitalfields.

A Colour Walk is a gathering of creative people who love colour and dressing up. There are no rules – they believe the more colours the better. Witness this concert of colours and meet some of the London’s most vibrant souls and creative minds.

Meet at 1130, Ealing Broadway Station.

If you’d like to tell Rick you intend coming, that’d be great.

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8:00 PM20:00


The first part of the meeting is the AGM, which includes reports from the Club Officers. The current Committee stands down, and a new committee is elected for next season.

Members will receive a separate email with the relevant papers.

Afterwards we find out the results of the aggregate competitions, and the Set Subjects for next year are announced.

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10:30 AM10:30


  • Brentham Allotments & Garden Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have an invitation from the Brentham Allotments & Garden Society to visit with an eye to taking photographs. May is normally a good time to see gardeners setting up for the summer crops.

Brentham is a big site with getting on for 200 plots running between Brentham Meadows and Lynwood Road, sandwiched between Brunswick Road and the A40.

Bring your camera and have a wander around and capture some of the horticultural action. (Let’s hope for decent weather!)

If you are happy to offer, then some of our images could be used on the Brentham Allotments newly created website.

The plotholders will have been told in advance about our visit but, of course, it goes without saying that anyone unhappy with the photography doesn’t have to be included.

There’s a car park on site (though it is likely to be busy) or you can park on Brunswick Road and walk through one of the cuts and along the lane.

Meet at 1030 in the carpark near the Trading Hut.

Directions: From Lynwood Road, approaching the A40 (do NOT turn onto it!) there’s a lane on the left just before the A40 next to number 2A. Postcode for 2A Lynwood Road is W5 1JH

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to May 15


  • Google Calendar ICS

Following last year’s very successful trip to Cheltenham Camera Club, we set off again for fun and frolics with camera in hand.

Setting off on Monday 13th, we drive to Cheltenham pausing for lunch and taking in a photo stop on the way. John Clare is the President of Cheltenham Camera Club and we meet with him and his wife for dinner that evening.

On Tuesday 14th, we set off with members of Cheltenham Camera Club for a photography outing based around the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway (GWSR). Starting at Cheltenham Racecourse with an all-day, hop on/off ticket, we travel to Winchcome, Broadway, and Toddington with photo opportunities throughout.

Returning to Cheltenham, we have a quick dinner at Côte and attend CCC for a friendly battle (aka competition) for the first half of the evening and, for the second half, show a couple of images taken during the day (accepting that only very limited post production will have been done.)

Judge: Louise Hill

Wednesday, 15th we return to Ealing with lunch and photo stop en route.

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8:00 PM20:00


We make a return journey to Tring & District Camera Club for their three-way competition.

This competition is along the lines of a match-a-digi, with the three clubs taking part being Tring (obviously), ImageZ, and ourselves. It’s a good, fun, competition with points being for Quality and Match awarded as follows:

The first image offered is marked out of 5 points for Quality, then the other two matching images are then marked out of 5 for Quality, plus out of 5 for Match.

There is a nice Italian restaurant (Storia) only doors away from where Tring meet and any who are interested could meet there beforehand for something to eat. Let Kristin know if you are up for this and we’ll make the appropriate booking.

Venue: Baptist Hall, High Street, Tring, HP23 4BA 

Time: 8pm

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8:00 PM20:00

TALK: KEVIN PIGNEY "My Passion for Wildlife"

As the Brentham Club is in use as a polling station, Kevin Pigney will present his talk via Zoom.

Kevin writes:

My Passion For Wildlife, is the story of my wildlife photography so far, some six years ... I not only share some of my favourite images but more importantly share the story behind them including locations, camera settings, how I set up a project, fieldcraft etc….

Chapters include :- My style of image & how I achieve the style - Advantages of working locally - Some favourite locations/subjects - How I set up a new project, behind the scenes - Working with light/ camera techniques .....

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8:00 PM20:00


Though this has traditionally been a prints only competition, we now accept either print or PDI images.

A panel is a set of images with a common theme, link or story which will be judged and assessed as a whole not as individual images. 

There will be two competitions on the night. Authors to choose either:

Panel of Prints:  

  • Up to two panels of 3 prints per Author

  • Individual images should be mounted on boards no larger than 40cm x 50cm. If several images are submitted on one board it is recommended that individual prints should be a minimum of 20cm (8 inches) along one side.

 Panel of PDIs:

  •  Up to two panels of 3 PDIs per author.

  • Each panel must consist of three PDI images plus a composite PDI showing the arrangement of the images.

Judge: Micki Aston

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8:00 PM20:00


A return of this popular event where members are encouraged to bring along images on which they would like member feedback.

Feel free to bring along a range of images, both what you consider might be successful and also those on which you may be working and for which you would welcome constructive input.

There’s no particular theme to this evening, but if you would specifically like us to cover some aspect or technique, let Kristin know.

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8:00 PM20:00


This is the third year of this competition organised by Trina & District Camera Club for clubs across the CACC region with 14 clubs participating.

​There will be two independent judges who will pre score the images and then meet to agree the final scores. This year the judges are:

  • Maria Leekblade – a highly respected photographer and judge from South of England who is known for her understanding of creative photography – Maria had great feedback on her judging of this competition last year.

  • Gordon Brown – A very experienced and knowledgeable judge, with great interest in the genre, he looks for images that create a mood and an atmosphere, images that tell a story and have depth to them. He believes that light is vital and the way it illuminates and makes a subject glow.

​An intimate scape is one in which a small part of a scene has been selected to present an ‘intimate feel’. It might be a smaller part of a wider scape, or it might also be a smaller composition that focuses on shapes, lines, colours, textures or patterns. It is a view of a scene in which any object of focus, is surrounded by its context. The celebration of the beauty of the natural world is encouraged and so the scape can be land, sea, water or city but, whatever the content, it must be an ‘intimate’ scene.

​​The Competition will be on Zoom at 8pm on the evening of Thursday 21st March 2024. All members of all the 14 participating clubs are invited to attend and a link will be sent out nearer the date

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8:00 PM20:00

Match a Digi at Field End

This year it is Field End’s turn to host this annual fast, furious and friendly photographic frolic featuring Field End, Pinner and EHHPS with plenty of interaction and heckling of the judge!

How it works:

Each club comes with a bank of 40 images
There are 36 rounds of three images, one from each club, with the clubs taking it in turn to start (so each club ends up with 4 ‘spare’ images)

The images in the competition are judged, both photographically and as the nearest match to the first image in the round.  


Ruislip Methodist Church Hall, Ickenham Road, Ruislip, HA4 7BZ.

There is parking on site but it tends to get full quite quickly. Otherwise you can park on Ickenham Road.

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8:00 PM20:00


Traditionally this has been an all Print competition. However, beginning with this season, given the shift of some authors away from Print, we now have:

Print Dell (Mono)
Print Pietruski (Colour)


PDI Dell (Mono)
PDI Pietruski (Colour)

Authors may choose to enter one Dell and one Pietruski competition in either Print or PDI but not both. A maximum of 4 images per author on the night, with a maximum of 3 in a given category.

Trophies will be awarded.

Judge: TBC

PDI images via Photoentry by 23:59 on Tuesday 27th February.

Prints on the night

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2:30 PM14:30

The NW Fed Final and starred images competition

  • Friends Meeting House, 150 Church Road Watford, England, WD17 4QB United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

THE FEDERATION OF NW LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETIES, commonly called ‘The NWFed’, was founded in 1959. It currently comprises twelve Clubs who meet each year in groups for a first round of matches; and then in semifinals and a final to decide a Club and individual champions.

Friends Meeting House
150 Church Road
Watford WD17 4QB

Start time: 2:30 pm

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