Annual Awards Evening: Results 2023-24

Following the AGM on 13 June, the winners of the Monthly Aggregate Competitions were announced by Internal Competitions Secretary Emmanuel. This season saw a changed format, with Print and PDI results being combined. An author’s top 10 scores from the 4 Print and 12 PDI competitions were totalled, for a maximum of 200 points. In addition, we inaugurated the ‘EHHPS Photographer of the Year’ award, based on a weighted total of all externally judged competitions.

Results - Monthly Aggregate Competitions

Print Open


First : Annie Hackett (196 pts)
Second: Jenny Fenton (193 pts)
Third: John Alexander(188 pts)

Print Set Subject

Set Subject

First: Paul Mason (198 pts)
Second: Emmanuel (192 pts)
Third: Kristin Mason (188 pts)

Print Portrait


First : Paul Mason (196 pts)
Second: Mike Lloyd (194 pts)
Third: Kristin Mason (190 pts)

Results - EHHPS Photographer of the Year

First : Paul Mason
Second: Annie Hackett
Third: Emmanuel

The basis for calculating the outcome of this award, based on a weighted total of all externally judged competitions over the year, can be seen here

AGM: New Committee Elected

At the AGM on 13th June, the 2023024 Committee stood down but all offered themselves for re-election.

In addition, two members put themselves forward for election to the committee:

  • Annie Hackett

  • Nilou Darvish

Kristin Mason’s term as President came to an end after two years.  Burgess Taylor put himself forward for a new term as President and will, as is traditional, be supported in his first year by Kristin undertaking the responsibilities of Vice President, with a new Vice President being elected for the second year. Jane Arnold-Forster, at her own suggestion, has relinquished her role as Exhibitions Secretary, but will continue her responsibilities for BEAT.  Responsibilities for Exhibitions will be revised by the incoming committee in a manner which seeks to leverage the talents of the new members.  Similarly, the committee seeks to utilise our expanded membership to increase the profile of the club in the community with a view to revitalising our membership numbers.

In addition, Jacqui Sinnatt has offered to assist the committee in areas such as Programme and Exhibitions

 The 2024-25 committee was elected unanimously and comprises:

President: Burgess Taylor
Vice President: (year one) Kristin Mason
Secretary: Paul Mason
Treasurer: Dennis Durack
Internal Competition Secretary: Emmanuel Papadopoulos
External Competitions Secretary: Amanda Wright
Programme Secretary: Kristin Mason
Membership Secretary: Dennis Durack
Publicity Secretary: Paul Mason
Exhibitions Secretary: tbc
Webmaster: Burgess Taylor
Jane Arnold Forster: BEAT liason
Nilou Darvish
Annie Hackett

Responsibilities will be revised by the new committee.

EHHPS Visit to Cheltenham 2024: Amanda Wright Reports

What a fantastic trip we had to beautiful Cheltenham for our second “Battle” (their term for external competitions), hosted by our good friend, EHHPS member and CCC Chairman John Clare. Our first stop was the very lovely Waterperry Gardens, just outside Oxford which kept us occupied for a couple of hours, then in the evening John and his wife Maxine generously hosted Paul, Kris, Ania and myself with a fabulous evening meal.

On Tuesday John had meticulously planned a day out for us all on some very fine steam trains, having previously recce’d the route from Cheltenham Racetrack Station to Broadway Station to make sure everything ran smoothly and we were able to get the most out of the day which we certainly did. One member of CCC Andy, even turned up in costume which led to some very interesting and amusing photo shoots, with the guards and firemen taking in the “paparazzi’ style spirit and happily posing for us, seemingly enjoying the attention. Expect a lot of train themed images to come.

After a fabulous Thai meal at The Giggling Squid it was time for battle to commence. The evening was judged for us by the very confident and popular Louise Hill MPAGB of the infamous Smethwick PS (check out their website who always do very well in National Competitions. It very quickly became apparent that her preferred style of image was grungy and gritty portraits and birds and that a keyline was required on all images regardless of whether there were dark edges or not - a practice we ditched as a Federation many years ago as it was considered dated. Her scores were, however, very evenly balanced as she awarded 5 x 15’s, 7 x 16’s, 7 x 17’s, 9 x 18’s, 6 x 19’s and 6 x 20’s. Sadly though all 6 20’s went to CCC!

Our top scorers on the night were with 19 were:

  • A Moment of Peace by Annie Hackett

  • An Anxious Wait by Mike Lloyd

  • Catherine Wheel by Paul Mason

  • Lady of The Manor by Paul Mason

And with 18

  • Cloud Forest by Annie Hackett

  • On Pointe by Dennis Durack

  • It’s About Time by Emmanuel

  • Homage To It by Emmanuel

  • Red Kite by Rick Beresford (Rick I checked out Louise’s Gallery where she has a red kite, yours is better I think)

  • The Sweet Spot by Rick Beresford

Well done all

Final Scores were

  • CCC 358

  • EHHPS 344

We spent Wednesday exploring Cheltenham, mooching around the antiques and a favourite gift shop in Winchcombe and finally enjoying an outdoor pub lunch at The Hollow Bottom in Guiting Power. What’s not to like?

Hopefully more EHHPS members will be able to make it next year 😃

(Amanda Wright)

Rosebowl Day: Amanda Wright Reports

Sunday 21st April was the Rosebowl Final where the top scoring 12 clubs from the three round matches (each round with different clubs) battle it out to take overall best club in the CACC. Although once again Stoke Poges didn’t enter the final so it was out of 11 clubs. It was fairly well attended with Rick, Dennis, Annie and myself and a couple of Northfields members were there too.

In the morning the Rosebowl Stars Competition was very ably judged by Naomi Saul ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE4 ASINWP APAGB from the East Anglia Federation who didn’t shy away from creative images and applauded all genres equally I thought, although she wasn’t giving marks to these images, just 3 Highly Commended and a Best Image, which was won by Neil Jackson of Field End with Morning Light In Newlands Valley.

Naomi also judged the second competition, The Phone Photography Competition and seemed to be extremely impressed by the quality achievable on a mobile phone. Here she awarded marks as well as 8 Highly Commendeds. The Best Image went to Ian Nock of Maidenhead for Sunset In The City. All the images from both these competitions can be found on the CACC website.

After the CACC AGM and lunch it was the Rosebowl Final Competition judged by Graeme Wales ARPS CPAGB BPE2 from the Surrey Photographic Association. As you can imagine several of the images in this competition were also in the Stars Competition so it was interesting to see them judged by someone different. I did pick up a pattern of leaning towards Natural History images for the top scorers so felt we were once again at a bit of a disadvantage. Our top score was 18 which went to 

  • Homage to It by Emmanuel

  • Lady Of The Manor by Paul Mason

  • Eastern Eyes by Dennis Durack

Very well done guys, he was very harsh on creative and portrait shots. Nevertheless, EHHPS came 6th overall and Northfields were delighted not to have come last! Yay!!

The 8 top scoring images can be found on the CACC website.

(Amanda Wright)

NWFed Final and Starred Images Competition: Amanda Wright Reports

The final of the NWFed competition, together with the Starred Images Competition took place on Saturday 24th February, hosted by Watford. Here is Amanda Wright’s report:

I’m fresh back from Watford where Kris, Paul and I saw the final of the North-West Fed. As the organiser, Terri Adcock, had been away until recently many of us didn’t know who the two finalist clubs were - Amersham and Croxley - until this morning when we printed the scoresheet. 

Each club supplied 9 of their finest prints and 9 of their finest PDI’s and it is fair to say that judge Tim Morland from Kingston CC, had quite a tough task on his hands as the standard was indeed extremely high.

Tim held back 8 of the 18 prints, awarding three 20’s, all of which were from Amersham ,with final Print Comp scores being:

  • Amersham 164.5

  • Croxley 149

He went on to hold back 7 of the 18 PDI’s, awarding two 20’s this time, both being from Croxley. The final PDI scores were:

  • Amersham 152

  • Croxley 158

Total combined score:

  • Amersham 316

  • Croxley 307

So, fairly close.

After the coffee break The starred images were judged by Kevin Day

There were 24 PDI’s and Prints too, judged in two separate competitions. Much to Kevin’s relief, no scores were required - just a First Place and two Highly commended.

In the print competition Kevin held 5 back, with First Place going to David Manning of Leighton Buzzard with one of my favourite images of the year Tin Man Alley.

Both Highly commended images were from Watford: On The Naughty Step by Sam Jenkins and The Right Time Of Day by Mike Brankin.

We only had one print in which was Annie Hackett’s Winskill Tree but sadly it wasn’t held back for final selection.

In the PDI competition we had a bit more of a chance with 4 starred images:

A Moment Of Peace by Annie Hackett
An Anxious Wait by Mike Lloyd
Homage to It by Emmanuel
Eastern Eyes by Dennis Durack

Kevin held back 7 of the 24 images with Homage To It being the only chosen image from EHHPS.

Final placings were

  • First Place Samual by Sanjay Mistry from Harrow another of my favourite images of the year

  • Highly Commended Homage To It by Emmanuel, very well done Em, it’s a stunner!

  • Highly Commended Finnish Wolf in Cotton Grass at Dawn by Chris D’Netto from Imagez

Should you be interested I’m sure these images will be available to see on the individual club’s own websites but should be available on the NWFed website when it’s updated.

Rosebowl Round 3: Amanda Wright reports

On Thursday 15th Feb. EHHPS hosted a third round Rosebowl fixture as a hybrid, with EHHPS in the hall at the Brentham, and judge Micki on Zoom. The other clubs were welcome to join us in person or via zoom. Here is Amanda Wright’s report:

Last night EHHPS played hosts to the mighty Amersham and Watford in our 3rd and final round of the Rosebowl Competition. Very ably and expertly judged by Micki Aston on Zoom. I was, it has to be said, expecting total annihilation but the final outcome surprised us all I think. 

As I mentioned last night we now have to sit and wait until all the other clubs (there were 27 competing this year in total) have finished their rounds and Kathy has totalled up all the scores. The last of the rounds, 3 of them, will be held on 27th Feb so we should know if EHHPS have made it to the top 12 clubs by early March. We have come 1st, 2nd and 3rd in our rounds but have done well with starred images so it all hinges on how the other clubs have fared.

The turnout, it has to said was shocking. Only 11 EHHPS members in the hall and a measly 4 on Zoom which would have included the two other Competition Secretaries!

Our top scorers last night were 

  • Homage To It by Emmanuel scoring 20 and being awarded one of the two allocated stars

  • Lady Of The Manor by Paul Mason scoring 19

Scoring 18 were:

  • Sea Fret by Kristin Mason

  • After The Show by Dennis Durack

  • A Moment Of Peace by Annie Hackett

  • Christmas Shopping by Jenny Fenton

  • On Balance by Shaun Hodge

Very well done guys!!

Totals for the night were:

  • Amersham 1st Place 264

  • Watford 2nd Place 262

  • EHHPS 3rd Place 260

Despite coming 3rd I was actually thrilled that we were a mere 4 points behind the winners Amersham!! A very close run thing.

Four of our normally very high scoring images scored 16 which was a bit of a shock but it’s all about the images on the night as Micki said and the overall standard was exceptional. I was proud.

(Amanda Wright)

For background on the Rosebowl, please look at the CACC website

Rosebowl Day for 2024 is Sunday 24th April and includes the Final.

Another Publication for Jenny Fenton

In what has become a habit, Jenny Fenton has once again been published in Outdoor Photography Magazine. Her comments from the magazine are below the image.

Taken on a very windy day in Cornwall, the bright sunlight brought about the gorgeous contrast in the colours from the cliff edge to the water. By using ICM, I was able to draw attention to the movement of the waves.

Olympus OM-1 with 70mm lens, ISO 200, 1 sec at f/22, 3-stop ND

Rosebowl Round 2: Amanda Wright reports

On Tues 16th Jan we had our second round of the Rosebowl, excellently hosted as a hybrid session by Northfields CC and against Stoke Poges PS and Croxley CC. Our original judge Paul Burwood was unable to judge the competition for us and Kathy Chantler, Chair of the CACC no less, very kindly undertook the role. There was an extremely disappointing turnout with only 13 people online and 6 members in physical attendance at NCC which did make me query once again whether there was much support for our longstanding large external competitions.

Anyway to the night…..

It has to be said I was in a mild state of panic when our first image out received a 14, however I fairly quickly realised that all was not lost as Kathy’s scores were pretty low overall. In fact she awarded 10 x 14’s and 13 x 15’s which equates to over 38% of all images (60 in total) scoring a pretty low mark in my book, given this is a Rosebowl competition and clubs are therefore submitting their very best images. 

15 images scored 16 and 13 images scored 17 with 8 images being held back, two from each club and scores being quite a close run thing it was anyone’s game, but I’m delighted to be able to tell you that EHHPS won!! I don’t think I’ve been able to say that for a long time, so thank you Kathy!

Final Scores

  • EHHPS            246

  • Stoke Poges    243

  • Croxley            240

  • Northfields CC 236

You can see from these scores just how close it was and I have no idea how we achieved this with no 18’s or 19’s to our name!

Ealing’s top scorers with the only two 20’s of the night were:

  • A Moment of Peace by Annie Hackett

  • Lady Of The Manor by Paul Mason

These two were also automatically awarded the two stars, HUGE congratulations to you both.

On 15th February EHHPS are hosting the 3rd and final round  against CACC giants Amersham and Watford. Gulp!!!

Northwest Fed - Round 3 and overall results: Amanda Wright Reports

On Thursday evening (December 7th) I took our last 5 printed images to the third and final round of the NWFed hosted this time by Watford.
Watford already had a comfortable 10 point lead but Pinner and ourselves were both neck and neck on 386 points each.

Our judge for the evening was the well known Micki Aston who seemed on good form, despite getting over a bad cold and we started the evening with the prints, 5 from each club, 15 in total. The standard was extremely high and her comments were mostly very fair. She started off by reminding us that as the standard was technically very good it would be down to how each image made her feel that would be the dominating factor in her scoring.

We started well with our first print out On The Ledge by Paul Mason being held back. Our second image out didn’t fare so well and I have to say on this occasion I completely disagreed with Micki’s comments on Cut Off by Annie Hackett. Micki is well known for her love of black and white photography, having started in the darkroom herself, but on this occasion she didn’t take into account the time of day that the image had been taken, describing it as ‘muddy' and wanting a greater range of tones and more brightness in the darker areas. It scored 15. Maybe next time we’ll reflect the time of day in the title and call it Cut Off At Dusk or something like that to help guide the judge. Micki didn’t seem to take the Wonderful storytelling into account at all, just the technical aspect which was very disappointing and such a shame. 

On The Ledge went on to attain a 20, well done Paul
Cut Off by Annie Hackett 15
Skinningrove At Dawn by Nick Barber 16 
Time For A Dip by Mike Lloyd 18 
Derelict Corn Mill by Jenny Fenton 17

Interestingly Micki disliked the colours or tones of something in all our prints apart from Paul's. In Skinngrove At Dawn it was the blue toned harbour wall - she said it should have been grey (it ’s dawn). In Time For A Dip it was the pink bikini - she insisted it should have been a natural tone to blend in with the environment and Derelict Corn Mill reminded her of a filter called Tobacco she used to use and had done to death so her low score reflected a very personal element. In short, if the colour palette or tones were not realistic for a daytime shot or something went against the norm, it was marked down.

Watford had two images held back, both scoring 20 and both were awarded the two allocated stars. Sadly we came last in the print section.

Scores at half time were

WAT 91
PIN  92
EHH 86

At this point as Pinner were winning they thought it might be a good time to leave haha!!

In the second half, the PDI’s, Micki held back 5 images, 2 from Watford and 3 from EHHPS, all of which scored 20 and 2 of ours were awarded the stars!

Emmanuel’s Homage To IT received much praise from Micki, despite confessing her fear of clowns, describing it as perfectly malevolent, she loved it. She enjoyed the simplicity and quietness of Sea Fret by Kris and Annie’s A Moment Of Peace drew a gasp of enjoyment.

Homage To IT by Emmanuel 20 and a Star
A Moment Of Peace by Annie Hackett 20 and a Star
Sea Fret by Kristin Mason 20
Watching Mother With Prey by John Alexander 16
Epitome Of Fun by Jenny Fenton 16

PDI Scores were

WAT 93
EHH 92
PIN 88

Overall Scores then after all 3 rounds

1st WAT 291 1st EHH 290 1st WAT 580
2nd PIN 281 2nd WAT 289. 2nd PIN 566
3rd EHH 274 3rd PIN 285 3rd EHH 564

A great win for us in the PDI’s even beating Watford! Such a shame we were beaten by Pinner by just 2 points but no surprises that Watford won the competition being the far bigger club and with some very talented photographers with a good range of genres to draw from.

EHHPS did do very well again with our starred images across the competition so very well done to:

Annie Hackett - Winskill Tree Print and A Moment Of Peace PDI
Dennis Durack - Eastern Eyes PDI
Mike Lloyd - An Anxious Wait PDI
Emmanuel - Homage To IT PDI

Amanda Wright

Outdoor Photography Magazine: Jenny Fenton Does it Again

Jenny Fenton has been published in Outdoor Photography issue 299

Author: Jenny Fenton

One very cold afternoon in Buckinghamshire, strong gusts of wind almost sent me home. I stayed and the sun came out, creating beautiful autumn colours. After taking a swirling ICM photograph of the sky, I then overlaid it with an in-camera shot of the trees looking upwards with my wideangle lens.

Olympus OM-D E-MI MkIII with 7-14mm lens at 14mm, ISO 64, I/320sec at f/6.3, in-camera double exposure

Northwest Fed Round 2: Amanda Wright Reports

With the North West Fed in full swing, our second round match was hosted by us last night (23rd November) with four members from Pinner CC and Terri Adcock from Watford CC in attendance (Watford also meet on a Thursday night). The competition was judged by Mark Buckley-Sharp with Judy his wife also with him.

We started the evening off with the print section, five prints from each club so only 15 in total. They all seemed to really come to life under our light box as opposed to on the dimly lit stand where Mark initially saw them and must have made his decisions as he scored his two 20’s (not a prerequisite that there only be two in this competition) before seeing the final five images under the light box. Not a usual practice and I couldn’t help wonder if this might have left some authors feeling a little upset. Most of his comments were fair and appropriate although I felt although there were several oddities in his conclusions.

Despite this, Ealing fared remarkably well and it’s not very often I get to say that we beat Watford overall!!

We also did very well with 20’s and therefore the stars. (For anyone who isn’t aware in this competition two images in the print section and two images in the PDI section in each match must be awarded a star. These starred images will then go on to be entered in a starred image final for both print and PDI on Finals Day.)



EHH 88
PIN 86
WAT 88

Top scoring print images were

Winskill Tree by Annie Hackett EHH - 20 and a star
Courting Razorbills by Natalie Levy PIN - 20 and a star

Other Ealing top scorers were

60’s Vibes by Kris Mason - 19
Lady Of The Manor by Paul Mason 18


EHH 90
PIN 87
Wat 87

Top Scoring PDI Images were

An Anxious Wait by Mike Lloyd EHH - 20 and a star
Ball Watching by Simon Peters WAT - 20 and a star

Other Ealing top scorers were

Foggy Beach Walkies by Jenny Fenton 19
Turban Style by Kris Mason 18

Total scores on the night

EHH 178
WAT 175
PIN 173

The cumulative scores so far from Matches 1 and 2 are:

WAT 396
EHH 386
PIN 386

I’m pretty sure that 10 point lead from Watford is going to be pretty hard to make up, so the battle is looking to be for second place at the moment.

(Amanda Wright)

Rosebowl Round 1: Amanda Wright Reports

Last night (Monday 30th October) saw the first round of this season’s Rosebowl Competition.

As a reminder, the Rosebowl is an all PDI competition with 3 rounds where clubs submit 15 images each and compete against different clubs in each round. All rounds are held on Zoom but can be hybrid.

Clubs are awarded points according to their position in each of the three rounds, these points are totalled once all rounds have been completed and the top 12 clubs in the competition are invited to compete in the Rosebowl Final. In each round two starred images are awarded by the judge and these starred images also go into a separate Starred Image Final.

Woodley CC were our hosts last night and skilfully navigated the competition as a hybrid with Woodley members in the hall and our judge Julia Cleaver and approximately 30 club members on Zoom.

With Zoom competitions it is essential that the judge receives the images prior to the competition (without club and author details) so that he/she can evaluate the images without having to worry about unstable internet connections on the night. In this case it appeared that Julia had also pre-scored the images to help speed things along.
Her observations were mostly excellent with, as always the case in external competitions, one or two puzzling comments and suggestions. 

Ealing’s top scorers with 20 were:

Catherine Wheel by Paul Mason
On Balance by Shaun Hodge which also scored one of the two awarded stars.

We didn’t get any 19’s but the following images scored 18:

Eastern Eyes by Dennis Durack
First Light by Shaun Hodge
The Green Rock by Amanda Wright
Yohoi by Paul Mason
Tokyo By Night by Jenny Fenton

With 33% of the images scoring 17 and 25% scoring 18 and 11 images held back to be scored at the end it was hard to call who the winners were going to be and final scores were not surprisingly incredibly close:

1st Marlow CC            265
2nd EHHPS                 264
3rd Woodley PC          262
4th Kidlington CCPG  254

The two starred images on the night were

On Balance by Shaun Hodge EHHPS
Dancing In Winter’s Light by Robin Dodd of Marlow

Well done all.

Our next round will be hosted by Northfields CC on 16th January where we will also do battle with Stoke Poges and Croxley.

(Amanda Wright)

Northwest Fed Group B Round 1: Amanda Wright Reports

On Monday evening (16th October) Paul, Kris, Dennis and myself took ourselves up to Northwood Hills for the first round of the North West Federation external competition facing Pinner (who were hosting) and the formidable Watford. The competition, 6 prints from each club and 6 PDI’s from each club, was judged by Paul Burwood, well known to us at EHHPS. As he mentioned at the start, these rounds are always tricky to judge because clubs put in their very best images. The standard was indeed high.

I thought we might be in for a rough ride when the first two prints were held back and Ealing’s first image was third up so the chances of 3 being held back in a row were slim despite it being Paul Mason’s fabulous abstract nude, Catherine Wheel'. It did manage an 18 though, matched by Shaun Hodge’s very classy On Balance both of which were our highest score in the print section. 

Sadly I had to leave early at half time so didn’t see the scoring of the PDI’s but Paul and Kris kindly took over. Seven images were held back in the second half one of them being Dennis’s wonderful Eastern Eyes which went on to be awarded a 20 and one of the two stars for this section. Tokyo Nights and Sea Spray by Jenny Fenton and Nature’s Nymph by Dennis all achieved 18 so well done to you both.

Total scores then were


Watford 112
Pinner 103


Pinner 110
Watford 109


1st Watford 221
2nd Pinner 213
3rd EHHPS 208

The second round is on Thursday 23rd November when we will be hosting. Titles need to be handed in to the organisers by Thursday 9th Nov 

The third round follows close on the heels of the second! The titles need to be handed in by 23rd November with the competition hosted by Watford on 7th December so please get images sent to me in good time.

(Amanda Wright)

Full details of the competition are given on the NorthWest Fed website.

Ron Wake Memorial Trophy: An Excellent night for EHHPS

Judging for Ron Wake Memorial Trophy - an inter Club Print competition featuring EHHPS, Field End PS, Harrow CC, Pinner CC and Watford CC - took place on Monday September 25th at the new home of hosts Harrow CC. EHHPS members Annie, Dennis, Kristin and Paul made the short trip to the event.

Unfortunately, gridlocked traffic meant that Field End were unable to deliver their prints.

Judge Kevin Day praised the very high standard across all entries, and explained the subtle differences which enabled him to separate the prints. Kevin held back seven prints, finally choosing First, Second and Third, and four Highly Commended.

EHHPS Successes:

  • Mike Lloyd was awarded a Highly Commended for his image The Devil Within

  • Paul Mason was awarded First Place for Catherine Wheel, and holds the Ron Wake Memorial Trophy for one year.

Of the other competing clubs, Watford CC featured heavily in Kevin’s selection of the Best on the night.

First Place: Catherine Wheel - Author: PauL Mason

HIGHLY COMMENDED. The Devil Within - Author Mike Lloyd

Outdoor Photography Magazine: Further Success for Jenny Fenton

Another publication for Jenny Fenton in Outdoor Photography Issue 297

Author: Jenny Fenton

“Strolling through Burnham Beeches in Buckinghamshire, the light suddenly created a magical image. I visualised fairy-like figures dancing through the trees. To capture what I wanted for this shot, 1 slightly overexposed the image and used multiple exposures.”

Olympus E-MI III with 40-150mm lens at somm, ISO 500, I/10 osec at f/13, handheld